License plate personal information
I know we can’t access DMV but do any of the members use Tracers or any other source to legally obtain registered owner’s info. Not sure about Florida’s laws but I’m assuming that we can’t look them up unless we have a PI License and it’s for investigatory purposes. We have security video of an individual getting out of his vehicle and dumping adult diapers onto the loading dock at the Club. The plate is not in our system for some reason. Probably not entered correctly. I’m sure I’m going to be told that it’s a police matter.
Shadow Wood – John Grusemeyer
Mark Chapman – Stone Lake Ranch
Sorry but cannot help with this. Sounds like a challenge so good luck.
Ryan Bell – Fiddlesticks
Do you know who your gated community liaison is from the Sheriff’s Office? The Public Services Division at LCSO has deputies assigned geographically to the gated communities in their assigned areas. If you have not met yours, maybe reach out to him/her and invite them out. We used to have a good one, but he was transferred. He would help me out with these situations and get me the info needed. I have not needed anything lately so I have not reached out to see who our new person is assigned to our area. Usually, the stop and introduce themselves (our new person has not). They are usually receptive to helping out with these things especially after learning you are retired LEO. Just an idea to maybe try.
Marvin Vasquez – The Plantation
It’s not illegal to obtain this information and you don’t need a PI license. Some communities utilize private companies which require membership and provide this information
Marie Puckett – Fiddlers Creek
I use it is $39 and gives current info (not from some old DB).
Dieter Heinz – Eastpointe
Animal Care & Control and Busch Wildlife have advised that since we are not trained in capturing wild life, especially those possibly diseased, to absolutely NOT handle any and let the professionals do it. We in Security are very glad to follow those instructions.
Warren Raymond – Porta Virta South tower
Wow, Not sure I would record and call police.
Dennis Marinan – Trump National
I don’t have the slightest idea.
Larry Wilson – Lake Nona
I utilize my liaison at OPD for all CJIS inquiries.
Tim Cook – The Landings
I would have the local PD run the tag and charge him with dumping – possibly even BioHazard waste.
If the laws have not changed in Florida you can submit a form to obtain the tag information, but it takes a little while.
Paul Abrams – Lost Tree Village
A plate can be ran by law enforcement or a PI. You’ll be able to get owner info and addresses, etc. Once that is obtained it will be up to you to contact law enforcement for illegal dumping, or you could send a letter to the person. There are services you could pay for online for like $12 but it gets you limited information sometimes. I am a PI so if you hit a wall, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.
Steven Hayslip – Lake Kiowa
In Texas, we utilize a website ( to lookup public information including driver’s license, DMV information, criminal records, etc. I know you can access Florida DL information, but not sure about Florida DMV records. But, definitely worth a look though